This particular story begins in 2005. Dr. Snyder had been in practice for 3 years and he and his wife, Jenneane, had a beautiful baby girl. While playing basketball one day, he took a hard dive that, even after he got home, bothered him. He iced it and went to bed. Suddenly, at 2 AM, he fell out of bed and had no idea what was happening. His wife, Jenneane, was startled — she turned on the light and asked him what was wrong. When he couldn’t respond or move, she knew something was wrong and called an ambulance.
After arriving at the hospital and extensive testing, it was determined that Dr. Snyder had a stroke. He was 31. It was later determined that when Dr. Snyder dove for that ball, he had wrenched his neck so badly that his carotid artery had torn. As the body tried to heal, the clot that had formed broke off and traveled to his brain and lodged in his left temporal lobe, causing paralysis of his right side and the inability to communicate.
Fast forward two years. After intense speech, physical, and occupational procedure, his neurologist looked at him and told him that “this is about as good as you’re going to get.” At this point he was still struggling to read his then 3-year-old daughter’s books, so needless to say, he was not going to settle for that. After extensive research, he found a chiropractic neurologist across the country who had success working with stroke patients. After explaining his story, the doctor told Dr. Snyder, “If you do what I tell you to do if you follow the nutritional and brain-based protocol that I lay out, in 6 months no one will be able to know that you’ve had a stroke.” Then, he continued, “you are going to go back to school, learn how to do all the protocols that I teach you, you are going to completely change your practice to include functional medicine, and you are going to change your community.” And that is just what Dr. Snyder did. He followed all protocol, his brain healed, he went back to school and has been changing his community ever since.
So, what about chronic pain therapy? Dr. Snyder is passionate about bringing this treatment to his community for many reasons, but what he knows is that if chronic pain therapy had been available to him all those years ago, things would have been different. His healing journey would have been much different. And for that reason, Dr. Snyder and his wife, Jenneane, decided to bring this cutting edge and potentially life-changing procedure to their community.
As chronic pain specialists, we provide proven alternative treatment options. Our goal is to help you avoid unnecessary surgery and medications.
Our non-narcotic, non-invasive procedures treat our patient's root cause, and require little to no downtime.
We specialize in safe, effective treatments that help patients heal naturally without worry of side effects or long recovery.
All of our treatment programs offer the potential for long-term, lasting results for multiple chronic conditions.