FREE Nerve Screening & Seminar: Tuesday, July 30th @ 1 pm


Will Walking Make Plantar Fasciitis Worse?

Posted on Jan 29th 2024

Walking is a form of exercise that’s easily attainable for most people — it’s low-impact, requires no equipment, and can be easily modified to increase or decrease difficulty. But what about people with plantar fasciitis? For help with plantar fasciitis or more information about treatment options, contact Chronic Care of Richmond.

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5 Tips for Managing Chronic Pain on Road Trips

Posted on Jan 3rd 2024

During the holiday months, looking forward to upcoming travel plans can be exciting and joyful — but also anxiety-inducing, especially for those living with chronic pain. (LINK to Chronic Pain cluster topic) Road trips can feel particularly daunting because of the many hours in a single position and, for some, the added responsibility of driving and staying alert. Whether you’ll be a passenger or the primary driver on your upcoming road trip, follow these tips to find relief for back and neck pain.

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What Causes Joint Pain?

Posted on Sep 25th 2023

Joint pain can get in the way of countless facets of daily life, from work tasks and exercise to family activities and travel. Joints are where multiple bones meet, including your hips, knees, elbows, shoulders, wrists and ankles. Joint pain and discomfort can feel like soreness, throbbing, burning or tightness, and it impacts millions of people every day. The first step in addressing joint pain is identifying the cause and exploring treatment options.

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Tips for Keeping Your Feet and Ankles Healthy in Summer

Posted on Aug 9th 2023

Summer is the perfect time of year to get out and explore. Whether you’re hitting the trails, hiking mountains, coaching little league or anything in between, a foot or ankle injury can put a cramp in your fun. Keep yourself moving with some basic tips and tricks from Chronic Care of Richmond for staying healthy.

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How Having a Support System Impacts Weight Loss

Posted on Jul 4th 2023

Losing weight can be a discouraging, overwhelming process. The good news is? It doesn’t have to be! With the right support team, you can reach your health goals. Learn more with Chronic Care of Richmond.

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